High-tech systems are becoming increasingly complex and more difficult to design, manufacture and maintain. The DIGITAL TWIN program develops methods to make accurate digital twins of these types of systems: virtual software versions that allow you to run simulations to predict, for example, how changes in the design affect performance, how control can be improved, or which part on which needs maintenance at the moment. Digital twins are still mostly based on static theoretical models that assume normal behavior. By linking these models to measurement data that indicate how the system actually functions and combining this data with artificial intelligence, the researchers make digital copies that continuously improve and adapt themselves. The research focuses on a number of exemplary systems provided by the Dutch high-tech companies involved in the program.

Smarter systems due to DIGITAL TWIN

The development of reliable and agile digital twins of physical high-tech systems and materials is key to enabling shorter time-to-market, zero-defect & flexible manufacturing systems with accurate predictive maintenance. This crucial development is currently hampered by the lack of synergy between model-based engineering and data-driven/artificial intelligence approaches. Currently, data analytics approaches are lacking a link to the underlying physics of the high-tech systems and materials, which disqualifies them for real-time decision making.

DIGITAL TWIN will develop a smart and flexible value chain of high-tech systems and materials by the integration of data-driven learning approaches and model-based engineering methods.

More about Digital Twin

Research projects

The DIGITAL TWIN program is organized into five main projects (Projects 1-5) and is supported by a project on governance. Each of the main projects will be attached to specific use-cases and collaborate with Project 6, in the design and development of a generic demonstrator that is dedicated for public dissemination.

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On 25th November 2020, the online Kick-0ff meeting of the Digital Twin Perspectief program is planned.  During this meeting the program, its goals and overview of all projects will be given.  Important part of the meeting are the presentations of  use-case of the involved industrial partners.  The meeting will be closed by a keynote lecture of Prof. George Karniadakis (Brown University, USA).